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एसएमएस भेजें जांच भेजें

Description: Forced convection lab incubator provides a temperature -controlled environment to support growth of microbiological cultures via forced convection system. This type of incubator can reach up to 65C from the ambient (+5C) temperature.

Description: Forced convection lab incubator provides a temperature -controlled environment to support growth of microbiological cultures via forced convection system. This type of incubator can reach up to 65C from the ambient (+5C) temperature.

Description: Forced convection lab incubator provides a temperature-controlled environment to support growth of microbiological cultures via forced convection system. This type of incubator can reach up to 65C from the ambient (+5C) temperature.

Description: Forced convection lab incubator provides a temperature -controlled environment to support growth of microbiological cultures via forced convection system. This type of incubator can reach up to 65C from the ambient (+5C) temperature.

अम्बिनोवा टेक्नोलॉजीज प्राइवेट लिमिटेड
प्लॉट नंबर 180, जी.एफ.एंड एफ.एफ., पॉकेट सी, सेक्टर- 4 बवाना डीएसआईडीसी, सेक्टर 4 के पास, 2 डिवाइडर रोडदिल्ली - 110039, भारत
फ़ोन :08045478255
मर. सुभम दस (निदेशक)
मोबाइल :08045478255